Property Training Solutions

E-Classroom Courses

Future Courses


Further information about our courses

Commercial Property Update

Government and Parliament have been busy over the past year, with major legislation either being implemented or still in the course of being passed into law. The Building Safety Act and the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill will both change the commercial property landscape.

Some of the measures enacted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic survive into the post-pandemic world, notably debt relief measures in relation to pandemic-related rent debt, and more general relief measures such as mental health moratoria and Part 26A restructuring. The courts have been getting to grips with the details.

With a full-scale review of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in the offing, caselaw continues to illuminate its workings, and perhaps to highlight areas where reform is very much needed.

The landlord and tenant field more generally, as always, has generated much new caselaw, on matters ranging from service charges to unreasonable refusal of consent to assignment, forfeiture and break options. Some of the disputes arise out of repurposing of property, and there may be many more such disputes to come.

As if that were not enough, the Supreme Court, in the Tate Gallery ‘overlooking’ case, has given important new guidance on the law of nuisance, with potential implications for the development of tall buildings.

Course Content
• The Building Safety Act
• Rental auctions
• Unreasonable refusal of consent to assignment (MMI Properties v Shepherd)
• The test for reasonableness of service charges (Assethold v Adam)
• Landlord’s conclusive determination of service charges (Sara & Hossein v Blacks Retail)
• Corrective interpretation (English Rose Estates v Menon)
• Landlord’s liability to neighbour for change of use (Dunward Properties v Isaac)
• Meaning of ‘live/work’ (AHGR v Kane-Laverack)
• Unlawful eviction and informal occupation (Corporate Spec v Milton)
• Forfeiture and breach of condition (Avondale Park v Miss Delaney, Chug v Dhaliwal)
• Protected rent debt and the Coronavirus arbitration scheme (Martin’s Commercial v Cineworld Cinemas Holdings)
• Mental health moratorium (Kaye v Lees)
• Part 26A restructuring (Fitness First)
• Property interest transferred by email signature (Hudson v Hathaway)
• Treatment of rent-free periods on lease renewal
• Contracting-out (Pretoria Energy v Blankney Estates)
• Landlord’s intention to redevelop (Man Ltd v Back Inn Time Diner, GM Motoring Solutions v Williams)
• Break clause inserted at lease renewal (B&M Retail v HSBC Pension Trust)
• Wrongly addressed break notice (Thomas v Turner)
• Party Walls Act (Power v Shah)
• Modification of restrictive covenants (44 Knights Hill Aldridge)
• Interpretation of restrictive covenant (McDonagh v Reeve)
• Knotweed nuisance (Davies v Bridgend)
• Nuisance by overlooking (Fearn v Tate Gallery)


To update knowledge across the range of commercial property caselaw and legislation.

Suitable for
Surveyors advising on commercial property investment and management.

Delivery Method
Live webinar.

3 CPD points

£95 (inclusive of VAT)


Damp in Homes – inspection, diagnosis & reporting

Damp is a significant issue occupiers complain about if undetected during a survey. Tenant complaints can be costly and disruptive unless correctly diagnosed. This course enables delegates to advise clients so reports reflect present & future condition. It has been suggested around 90% of reported damp issues are due to condensation. Black mould has been confirmed as potentially deadly to occupants. Government initiatives to improve energy efficiency of UK homes could result in more mould.

Course Content
Building Regulations, Codes of practice, materials, science of damp, thermographic imaging, repair works, BRE and other guidance, assessment and reporting of hazards, risks to the property and legal issues, condition rating, the final report.

• To introduce delegates to some basic information about how different part of a property perform in relation to rising and penetrating damp and condensation;
• To demonstrate how this information can be used in practice to assess the likelihood of such dampness in a property; and
• To practice, by using case studies and discussion by group work, how to provide satisfactory reports to clients and achieve occupant-fit homes.

Suitable for
Property professionals including surveyors, housing managers, maintenance personnel, social & private landlords and students.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

4 CPD points

£120 (inclusive of VAT)


A Day on the Roof

Defects in roof coverings are a significant cause of complaints against surveyors. This course will help give pointers on how to assess coverings and their supporting structures so that your surveys accurately reflect condition now and in the future.

Course Content
Materials, theory and Building Regulations, loadings on traditional roof structures, rot and wood-boring insect attacks, ‘rules of thumb’ to help assessment, personal hazards, risks to the property and legal issues, ancillary matters such as edges and parapets, condition rating, the final report

• To introduce delegates to some basic information about roof structures and coverings, including current practice;
• To demonstrate how this information can be used in practice to assess these important parts of a property; and
• To practice, by using case studies and discussion, how to provide satisfactory reports to clients.

Suitable for
Practising surveyors, students and other aspiring surveyors.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

7 CPD points

£180 (inclusive of VAT)


Above Ground Movement

Defects arising from movement above ground are a significant cause of complaints and sometimes claims against surveyors. This course will help give pointers, including an assessment protocol based on good practice, on how to assess walls and their supporting structures so that your surveys accurately reflect condition now and in the future.

Course Content
Materials, theory and Building Regulations, Codes of practice, leaning and bulging, cavity wall tie failures, personal hazards, risks to the property and legal issues, condition rating, the final report.

• To introduce delegates to some basic information about how walls should perform in theory and how they perform in reality, including current requirements;
• To demonstrate how this information can be used in practice to assess these important parts of a property; and
• To practice, by using case studies and discussion by group work, how to provide satisfactory reports to clients.

Suitable for
Practising surveyors, students, and other aspiring surveyors.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

7 CPD points

£180 (inclusive of VAT)


Building Regulations Update

The introduction of the Building Safety Act, Building Safety Regulator and new building regulations mean there has never been more need to make sure you are up to date, aware of your responsibilities and able to properly advise your clients and colleagues.

Course Content
The Building Safety Act, Building Safety Regulator, New legislation, hot topics, spotlight on loft conversions.

• To introduce delegates to basic information about the new regime and recent legislative changes.
• To demonstrate how the new Building Safety Act will change how building control operates in England post Grenfell.
• To briefly looks at new and updated Approved Documents.
• To discuss hot topics and areas of concern.
• Focus on loft conversions and regularisation of unauthorised work.

Suitable for
Practising surveyors, property professionals, students, and other aspiring surveyors.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

3 CPD points

£90 (inclusive of VAT)


Energy Efficiency and Retrofit

Government is increasingly aware of climate change and is introducing 'carrots and sticks' to achieve energy efficiency targets. This course will provide delegates with the background to these changes, discuss how targets can best be achieved, what is likely to occur in construction practice, how property professionals can adapt to changing requirements and advise their clients. Defects such as mould arising from alterations are likely to be a cause of claims. This course will help give advice so that reports accurately reflect condition now and in the future.

Course Content
Materials (old & new), theory and Building Regulations, Codes of practice, BRE and other guidance, how to inspect, analyse and assess the presence and possibility of condensation, assessment and reporting of risks to the property and legal issues, condition rating, the final report.

• To introduce delegates to some basic information about how different parts of the 'thermal envelope' of a property should perform in theory and how they really perform, including current requirements;
• To demonstrate how this information can be used in practice to assess these important parts of a property; and
• To practice, by using case studies and discussion by group work, how to provide satisfactory reports to clients.

Suitable for
Practising property professionals, students and aspiring surveyors.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

7 CPD points

£180 (inclusive of VAT)


Health and Safety and landlord obligations in rental property

Landlords must comply with various legislation to ensure that a home is a healthy and safe environment for tenants to live in. The recent government White Paper places increased focus on standards with further legislation for both social and private sectors likely.

Course Content
Using case studies and scenarios, we will consider the many pieces of legislation placing obligations on landlords of rental property. Learners will have the opportunity to consider the ‘grey areas’ along with procedural matters of reporting and managing repair issues.

• Outline existing Health and Safety legislation applicable to residential property
• Understand S11 Landlord and Tenant Act repairing obligations
• Explore the Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and how to inspect for and manage hazards
• Know the new obligations placed on landlords through the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act
• How landlords should have a robust procedure for dealing with damp, mould and condensation
• Understand case law arising from Defective Premises Act
• Understand the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
• How the fire safety Act 2021 will affect current practices
• Overview of the white paper and how this effects current practices
• Sharing best practice to incorporate all legislative obligation including periodic inspections procedures
• Understand tenant’s obligations to behave in a ‘tenant like manner’

Suitable for
This full day course is essential for all landlords, agents and property managers. It is also of benefit to surveyors and valuers completing buy to let inspections.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

5 CPD points

£150 (inclusive of VAT)


Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

This course has been written in collaboration between Peter Foulds (Chief Surveyor at Allied Surveyors) and Carrie Kus (Director of Training at Property Training Solutions and former Non-Executive Director with the Residential Landlords Association).

It is designed for property surveyors undertaking valuation surveys of HMO property or those who wish to undertake such surveys. The E-classroom course is interactive with workshop style exercises.

Course Content
• Overview of the definition of HMO
• The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and what a category 1 hazard looks like
• The ‘vulnerable’ tenant group and how Local Authorities assess hazards
• The likely impact of the Fitness Act
• Overcrowding and space standards and how this applies to HMO
• Fire safety in HMO
• Cohesive and non-cohesive groups
• Council tax definition of a ‘dwelling’
• Scenario based valuation exercises and the key points to consider when approaching the valuation

Valuers will understand the additional legislation placing obligations on HMO landlords in relation to property standards, health and safety, fire safety and room sizes and how this impacts on the capital and rental value.

Suitable for
Any new or existing surveyors and valuers who undertake HMO work, or those wishing to do so.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

5 CPD points

£150 (inclusive of VAT)


Identifying, assessing and reporting hazards in residential properties

After the Grenfell Tower tragedy, anecdotal evidence suggests clients may forgive you missing cracks or damp but are unlikely to accept you failing to identify hazards that cause any harm. This course is written and presented by Larry Russen, co-author of ‘Residential Property Appraisal, volume 2 – Building Pathology’, which includes a new chapter on assessment of hazards in residential property.

It is designed for surveyors undertaking level 2 and 3 surveys and valuations of property or those who wish to undertake such reports. The course is interactive with case study exercises.

Course Content
• Review of RICS and other requirements
• The changing landscape of hazards and public perception of risk
• Typical hazards including fire safety, falls from height, glazing, legionella, wood-burning stoves, unvented hot water cylinders
• Hazard risk assessment – theory and practice
• Client involvement and instructions
• ‘Buy-to-lets’, Housing Health & Safety Rating System and owner-occupied properties
• Case studies
• Reporting
• When to recommend further investigation

Delegates will understand the changing legal environment in which they practice in relation to hazards, the mandatory requirements in the RICS Home Survey Standard (HSS) and how to assess and report on hazards so their clients can take any appropriate action to reduce and or remove risks.

Suitable for
Surveyors and valuers who undertake survey and/or valuation work or those wishing to do so.

Delivery Method
E-classroom facilitated event – you will engage in group work based around real case studies you are likely to meet in your professional practice. Delegates will consider adopting a standard methodology of approach including identification of hazards, risk assessment, condition ratings and reporting.

5 CPD points

£180 (inclusive of VAT)


Introduction to Party Walls

The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 regulates disputes about building work between adjoining owners. This course will provide delegates with the ability to advise their clients so that they will understand whether Notices have been correctly served and or any dispute has been satisfactorily resolved so there is no continuing liability.

Course Content
The background to the Act, appointments as a surveyor under the Act, service of Notices, building on boundaries (section 1), working on party walls and structures such as floors between flats (section 2), adjacent excavations up to 6m away (section 6), objecting to Notices, the ‘Award’, Schedules of Condition, resolving the dispute, legal implications, risks to the property.

• To introduce delegates to some basic information about the Act and associated case law;
• To demonstrate how this information can be used in practice to ensure property owners’ interests are protected; and
• To practice, by using case studies and discussion by group work, how to provide satisfactory advice to clients.

Suitable for
Practising property professionals including Architects and designers, housing managers, maintenance personnel, social and private landlords, students and aspiring surveyors.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

3 CPD points

£90 (inclusive of VAT)


Introduction to Residential Lease Extension Valuations

Learn the fundamentals or consolidate your existing knowledge, to carry out lease extension valuations.

Course Content
Comprehensive course detailing lease extension valuations with worked examples. Learners will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of some of the basic legal aspects as well as the detailed calculations.

This course is being run over 2 consecutive days with each session being 2 hours in length. This allows learners the opportunity to reflect and digest the learning from the first taught session, before commencing the second.

To ensure that delegates:
• Overview of the lease extension process both formal and informal,
• Understand Ground Rents, Capitalisation rates and Deferment rates with example calculations,
• Understand Marriage Value and Relativity with example calculations,
• Explore the legal Process (S42, S48, S60 costs, rights and obligations),
• Run through a case study from start to finish,
• Opportunity for Q & A

Suitable for
Practising and student valuers and other property professionals experienced in valuation.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

4 CPD points

£180 (inclusive of VAT)


Multi-use premises – the commercial element

When dealing with multi-use premises such as a shop with a flat over, or perhaps a house with an attached car repair shop, it is necessary to have a grounding in both commercial and residential aspects.

Commercial tenants receive less protection from the law than residential ones, and have a greater degree of responsibility for the physical state of the property. Landlords also have greater freedom as regards the enforcement options open to them, although both these aspects can be complicated by the presence of the residential element.

Commercial occupiers expect to have more flexibility than residential ones in relation to carrying out alterations, assigning and sub-letting. Security of tenure is conferred by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, and it is important to know, not only how this major piece of legislation works, but also whether it is this or one of the residential security of tenure regimes which applies.

This webinar will deal with all these issues and more

Course Content
Overview of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, in particular how it affects multi-use properties, and procedures to terminate the tenancy.

Service charges, and the role of the RICS Professional Standard.

Responsibility for repair, and dilapidations procedures.

Assignment, sub-letting and alterations.

Landlord’s remedies for tenant default.

To ensure that delegates:
To have a good working knowledge of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, and to identify when it applies.

To understand what usual content can be expected in a commercial lease, as regards alienation, alterations, repair and service charges, and how the courts approach these issues.

To have an awareness of the enforcement options open to landlords in relation to enforcement of financial and other obligations.

Suitable for
Surveyors upskilling to deal with properties that have a commercial element.

Delivery Method
Live webinar.

3 CPD points

£95 (inclusive of VAT)


Reinstatement Cost Calculations

Understand how to correctly complete a reinstatement cost calculation. What does the base calculation include and what additions do you need to make. What ‘tricks’ to use if the property doesn’t fit the norm.

Course Content
An explanation of the workings behind the reinstatement cost figures together with a demonstration of completing calculations.

• What is the definition of re-instatement under the BCIS
• Understand how to complete the reinstatement cost calculation correctly
• What needs to be included
• Is the property categorised as basic/good/excellent

Suitable for
Any new or existing surveyors and valuers.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

1.5 CPD points

£45 (inclusive of VAT)


The Lunch Train - Developing Yourself & Your Management Style

Self-awareness gives us the power to influence outcomes, helps us become better decision-makers and gives us more self-confidence. This programme of three modules starts by helping you to enhance your self-awareness and recognise your own management style. This lunchtime CPD session is being run over 3 consecutive Tuesdays, with each session being 1 hour in length 13:00 to 14:00.

Course Content
We will work together to improve your Emotional Intelligence. Everyone has feelings, reactions, and behaviours, but not everyone has an easy time recognising them. We will explore how to interpret them, understand them and manage them in both ourselves and those around us.

Your leadership style plays a significant role in your job and the way you communicate and interact with your team members. This programme concludes by considering your personal ‘brand’ to help you forge more positive and productive relationships.

This programme will be supported by pre-training material, for you to review before each training session, and post-training material, for you to keep.

By the end of this programme, a learner will be able to:
• Recognise their strengths and limitations
• Identify their learning style
• Demonstrate emotional intelligence
• Recognise Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Identify their personal brand/identity
• Recognise different leadership styles
• Demonstrate how to manage good and bad working relationships

Suitable for
This programme is suitable for anyone in a management position, whether new to the post or a long-standing manager. This would also suit someone upskilling ahead of a promotion, a change of direction or as part of succession planning.

Delivery Method
E-classroom online, delegates will be sent a link 2 days prior to the course date.

3 CPD points

£90 (inclusive of VAT)